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Social Studies

The Talley Middle School Social Studies Department wants all students to know what it’s like to be an American.  At Talley we want our students to become responsible and informed citizens. We want our students to have an informed global outlook that they learn through history and from studying cultures around the world. Our Talley Citizens are ready to be agents of positive change in the society of the future.
Social Studies Curriculum
  • Sixth Grade: Students will expand their knowledge in the areas of geography, history, economics and civics. The focus is on the Eastern Hemisphere, Ancient Civilizations, and the Environment.
  • Seventh Grade: The students will master a plethora of topics in the areas of Introduction to Government, Contacting Elected Officials, Bill of Rights, Majority Rule/ Minority Rights, Civil Rights, Women's Suffrage Movement, Eminent Domain, Supply and Demand Economics, Trade, Geography-Partnerships and Partitions.
  • Eighth Grade: The students will acquire new knowledge in academic disciplines such as “What is History”, Thinking Like a Historian Introductory, Perspectives, Analyzing and Evaluating Maps, Primary and Secondary Sources, Colonization, Settlement, Revolutionary America, Early Republic, Economic and Social Change, Westward Expansion and Sectional Conflict (1825-1859) and Civil War and Reconstruction (1860-1877).